Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rose Blanche and Boy and the Striped Pyjamas, Response

The books “the Boy in the Striped Pajamas” and “Rose Blanche” both take place during the holocaust and they both have a curious child who helps Jews but isn’t quite knowing about the war, holocaust and the Nazi’s hatred against Jews. I think that it is right to put our friends and family in danger if it can save lives like standing up for the Jews. If a person just accepts the situation then everything will not be fine because then the could be controlled by someone of higher power, like during the holocaust when the public excepted the situation of the Nazi party and then the Nazis controlled them. Also, I believe that an individual should always stand up when he or she thinks that something is unfair because a persons opinion needs to be heard so that there is justice and therefore prejudice will be objected. Both the characters in these stories show courage and they both deal with bystanders like the german public and a bit of Hitler's propaganda. I learned from the books that some decisions can cause consequences like Bruno helping the Shmuel in the concentration camp by giving him food and a friend to care for, but then Bruno goes into the camp and suffers from the decision.

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