Thursday, November 5, 2009

Where the hell is Matt?? MY RESPONSE!

I think that what Matt did must have been an amazing experience for him by being able to travel to so many different countries and meet new people. I think that him dancing was very good and creative way to make people laugh and meet others. I love how people are dancing with Matt in almost every country! If I saw him dancing on a street I'd think he has a good idea and he should continue with it.
I chose this picture for my post because it is Matt himself dancing in Washington D.C.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Response to...The Compliment Guys!

I think that the video and article about 'The Compliment Guys' are amazing. I think that what they do has a great purpose and makes almost everyones day. I think its ammazing how they spend a few hours a week just to give compliments and make others feel great about themselves. I can understand how some of the people at first thought the comments were insincere because if someone I did not know came up to me and complimented my clothes or something I would think that it was weird and kind of awkward.

I also think that students in our school should compliment each other more. I myself do not really give as many compliments as I think I should. The last compliment I gave was to one of my friends, I told them that they had a really cool necklace and the last compliment I recieved, that I can remember, was yesterday when my peer congragulated me on my Math test. Tommorow at school my goal will be to give at least few more compliments than usual and so how it makes others feel good.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Best Name In The World...Grant!

When I was younger I used to dislike my name. I thought that it was dull and also made me seem strange and different. I thought it was like an old black and white portrait, Uninteresting. I hated how no one else knew a Grant and that, back then, not many kids were sure that they could pronounce it properly. Grant, which is an English male name, means great. Of course I think this suits me because, well, I am great! At first my Parents were about to name me Connor but they chose Grant instead. My parents told me that they liked it better. They also thought Grant was good because it was too popular but also not that strange. Now, I quite like my name because, for the very reason that I once hated, it is unpopular. Now I love how no one has the same name has me. I enjoy how when everyone hears my name they do not confuse It with another one. Personally, I think Grant is the best name on Earth and I’m glad that it’s mine to keep.

The picture I that I used is a black and white piece of art. I thought that this was a very interesting photo and it looks really cool. I selected this picture because in my writing I said that I used to think my name was dull like a black and white portrait.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Title

I chose my title "Lessons Come From Our Journeys Not Our Destination" because I thought this was a good title. I think this quote means that our journeys can be more important than our destinations.

I chose this picture because it is a long road resembling a journey and there is a tiny hut showing the destination.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Malaysia Week!!! XD

For Malaysia Week I went to Pulau Lang Tengah Timur with Mr. Whiting and Ms. Recter. The other sixth graders on my site were Evan, Ahmed, Seb, Amber and Tobi. We first woke up early to catch the bus and drive to the boat port. The bus was soooo long but it passed by rather quickly as I slept a lot of it. Once we arrived at the port it was pouring rain and we waited two more hours to then find out that the weather conditions were too bad to sail to our island. So we then stayed at a hotel on the mainland with another group that included Ted.

After we settled in the hotel we ran outside to play in the massive waves. Everyone's shorts were wet but Amber slipped and tumbled into the water getting soaked. Later, at night, Ted, Evan, Seb, Ahmed and me shared a room. Ted was insane. While playing poker, using five packs of mentos that Evan bought from a stop on our trip, Ted would stand up and dance on the table every time he won a hand. But Ted would get lucky by winning as he had no clue how to play poker and he always bet high amounts.

The next morning we finally leaped out of our boat into the shallow water circling Pulau Lang Tengah Timur. Our main activities were snorkeling and kayaking. Closer to the end of our fun week we kayaked around the island through 1 metre high swells. We did not have many rests and as I worked and worked huge blisters started to form all over my hands. It was tough. Another activity we did was an amazing race where we had to kayak around the island and hike through the forest to find clues and be the first to return back. I had been partnered up with an eighth grader named Farah. During our hiking we ended up getting lost in the forest, where Farah kept on tripping, and we thought we were in last place but when we got back we found out we were second.

During Malaysia Week I learned how to cooperate more efficiently in groups and kayak with two people in a kayak.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Winter Break

In winter break I went to Canada to see my grandparents and see snow again. At first we were going to go to Thailand but my grandpa was in the hospital and so we changed our plans and went to Canada. At my cottage near ottawa I shoveled an ice rink on a frozen lake to play hockey on with my dad and uncle in -25 degrees.

It took a while to make and take care of the rink but it was worth it as that was basically what i did the whole holiday. The lake was a tiny bit bumpy to skate on and there were a lot of ruts in the ice which I tripped on a million times leaving my elbows and knees bruised everywhere. To fix the ruts after each day I would get buckets of water and flood the ice so that the water would freeze over them. Also overnight one day there was a lot of snow and I had to completely re-shovel the lake.

As well as hockey I also played in the snow sometimes but the only bad thing about my break was that I had to shovel my grandparents and my cottage driveway and I never even got paid!