Monday, April 6, 2009

Malaysia Week!!! XD

For Malaysia Week I went to Pulau Lang Tengah Timur with Mr. Whiting and Ms. Recter. The other sixth graders on my site were Evan, Ahmed, Seb, Amber and Tobi. We first woke up early to catch the bus and drive to the boat port. The bus was soooo long but it passed by rather quickly as I slept a lot of it. Once we arrived at the port it was pouring rain and we waited two more hours to then find out that the weather conditions were too bad to sail to our island. So we then stayed at a hotel on the mainland with another group that included Ted.

After we settled in the hotel we ran outside to play in the massive waves. Everyone's shorts were wet but Amber slipped and tumbled into the water getting soaked. Later, at night, Ted, Evan, Seb, Ahmed and me shared a room. Ted was insane. While playing poker, using five packs of mentos that Evan bought from a stop on our trip, Ted would stand up and dance on the table every time he won a hand. But Ted would get lucky by winning as he had no clue how to play poker and he always bet high amounts.

The next morning we finally leaped out of our boat into the shallow water circling Pulau Lang Tengah Timur. Our main activities were snorkeling and kayaking. Closer to the end of our fun week we kayaked around the island through 1 metre high swells. We did not have many rests and as I worked and worked huge blisters started to form all over my hands. It was tough. Another activity we did was an amazing race where we had to kayak around the island and hike through the forest to find clues and be the first to return back. I had been partnered up with an eighth grader named Farah. During our hiking we ended up getting lost in the forest, where Farah kept on tripping, and we thought we were in last place but when we got back we found out we were second.

During Malaysia Week I learned how to cooperate more efficiently in groups and kayak with two people in a kayak.

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