Monday, March 28, 2011

Colonization- Ethnocentricity

The ethnocentricity of the British and the first Australians caused conflict between the two cultures because the British brought their own cultures over to the other culture and tried to force it upon them. For and example, they brought alcohol and introduced it to the natives. They also, brought their own animals to use for farming and animals like rabbits which then overpopulated the land and became pests to both the native's and the colonist's crops. This lead to the building of the rabbit proof fence which kept rabbits and other wildlife away from the farm land. An example of how the British tried to influence their culture on the aboriginals, was when they kidnapped Bennelong and treated him well, while they showed him British culture. Then the Govenor, took him back to England. All of these reasons was why the Aboriginals were against the colonists.

Rabbit Proof Fence #2

If I had to persuade the stubborn australian goovernment to make an official apology to the aboriginal people, I would start my argument with giving information about the stolen generation and how the government seperated indigenous families for around 50 years, just so they could naturally breed the native looks out of all of the children in Australia. After I would talk about how the British destroyed the land we used and turned it into farm and cities. I would also go deep back into the founding of Australia and remind them of the wars the British and the aboriginals fought in order to solve territorial disputes. This also includes how they spread the epidemic of small pox which destroyed many of the native race. All of these reasons of how the British ruined Australia and treated the aboriginals like savages, can be used to develope an argument on why the indigenous peopleshould recieve an apology.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence

Molly should not be characterized as a hero because I think of heros as a person who helps or saves others. In the movie the Rabbit Proof Fence, Molly does not help her sisters because she leads them to escape from the place where the half aboriginal kids were gathered by the white people. I think Molly's actions with her sister, will just lead the three girls into trouble with everyone if they get caught by the tracker. However, Molly could be characterized as a hero if she doesn't fail in escaping with her sisters and returns to their family. So in my opinion, Molly could be a hero if she succeeds in her escape with her sisters. But, if the girls get caught they would be punished and it would be Molly's fault if they get into trouble.