Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Learning Profile

Today in class we all took our learning profiles. The learning profile are sorted into two different groups, Logical and Gestalt learners. Gestalt learners like to look at the big picture of something, unlike me, im a logic learner who likes to follow certain steps. An example is if their is a puzzle given to a gestalt learner and a logical learner, for example lego,. the gestalt learner might just experiment with the pieces to put it together but the logical learner wil probably read and follow the instructions to solve the puzzle. After our tests, I am the AA profile. This means that I am a logical learner but I am also right side dominant with my eyes, ears, and hands but my leg is left side dominant. Being an AA profile, I learn best by focusing on details and under stress my movements may be limited. I also may find it harder to learn kinesthetically because I learn better with step by step visual and auditory instructions. I think that it is harder for me to think like a gestalt learner, like being creative and not following instructions, that is why it helps for me to do cross lateral foot movements like walking and martial arts. I certainly think that my AA profile matches me as a learner because the descriptions of learning styles on the AA page sounds like me in many situations.