Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Winter Break

In winter break I went to Canada to see my grandparents and see snow again. At first we were going to go to Thailand but my grandpa was in the hospital and so we changed our plans and went to Canada. At my cottage near ottawa I shoveled an ice rink on a frozen lake to play hockey on with my dad and uncle in -25 degrees.

It took a while to make and take care of the rink but it was worth it as that was basically what i did the whole holiday. The lake was a tiny bit bumpy to skate on and there were a lot of ruts in the ice which I tripped on a million times leaving my elbows and knees bruised everywhere. To fix the ruts after each day I would get buckets of water and flood the ice so that the water would freeze over them. Also overnight one day there was a lot of snow and I had to completely re-shovel the lake.

As well as hockey I also played in the snow sometimes but the only bad thing about my break was that I had to shovel my grandparents and my cottage driveway and I never even got paid!